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Gray Divorce Attorney in Saratoga Springs, New York

Divorce is difficult at any age, but if you’re going through a "gray divorce"—divorce among individuals over 50 who have been married for a long period—the challenges are unique and often more complex.  

Clarisa Gentile is familiar with the ins and outs of family law and brings that knowledge to folks going through divorce later in life. Schedule a free consultation, today to get the legal assistance you need during these trying times.

The Gray Divorce Trend

The "Gray Divorce" trend is shaking up the narrative of lifelong marriage. As older individuals hit their silver years, many are calling it quits on marriage. It's not about midlife crises anymore—it's more about couples reevaluating happiness and fulfillment after decades together.  

After the nest is empty, some find their common ground has shrunk and they're ready for solo adventures. And with longer life expectancies, the prospect of independently navigating through the golden years may be more appealing to some than the traditional till-death-do-us-part route.  

Gray divorce has been on the rise for the last few decades. While younger couples might be focused on child custody or support issues, those in their golden years face different priorities—division of retirement funds, allocation of assets, support after long-term marriages, and sometimes even criminal defense matters that intertwine with the divorce. 

Gray Divorce in New York

In the state of New York, there is no specific law termed "gray divorce." New York's divorce laws apply to all divorcing couples, irrespective of age, including those undergoing gray divorces. 

These laws do not predetermine a 50/50 split but instead consider several factors to determine what is fair. These include the length of the marriage, the income and property of each spouse at the time of marriage and the divorce, the age and health of each spouse, and contributions by one spouse to the other’s earning potential, among other factors. 

Your Legal Superhero

Call Clarisa Now

Here to Help You With Your Divorce

CSG Law Firm is your guide and counsel if you’re seeking to cut marital ties in your golden years. 

What makes Clarisa a great choice for an attorney is her dual focus on both family law and criminal defense, as well as her considerate approach to handling the special needs of older clients.  

Her firm is known for tailoring legal strategies that minimize emotional stress while maximizing your financial outcomes—an essential factor if you’re concerned about financial stability in retirement. 

Apart from years of knowledge and experience, it's her commitment to personalized counsel that makes her unique. She knows that each gray divorce case comes with a lifetime of accumulated assets and shared memories. Your case deserves attentive representation given the weight of the decisions at hand. 

CSG Law Firm understands that the end of a long-term marriage requires a delicate balance of empathy and assertive advocacy—a balance they are well-equipped to provide.  

While some attorneys might adopt a one-size-fits-all approach, Clarisa Gentile caters to the personalized needs of her mature clients. From complex asset division to unexpected criminal defense concerns, you can rest assured that your legal strategy will be as unique as your life story. The aim is not just to represent you in court but to educate and empower you throughout the legal process. 

Preparing for the Road Ahead

Because it involves retirement plans, insurance policies, and pensions, gray divorce requires an attorney with a sharp eye for detail and financial acumen. You should be able to trust your legal team to handle complex negotiations and stand firm on your behalf. 

Clarisa has years of experience sorting out her clients’ financial matters, so they needn’t worry about their future security. If you have been out of the workforce for years, or have depended on your spouse’s income, she is adept at brokering fair spousal support agreements that honor the length of the marriage and contributions made by each party. 

If you live in Saratoga Springs, New York, Fulton County, or Schenectady, having a local legal advocate is important. CSG Law Firm is well-acquainted with New York state laws, regional nuances, and specific regulations that might affect a gray divorce outcome. 

What Sets CSG Law Firm Apart?

  1. Size - They’re a small law firm with a big heart. To Clarisa, you are not just a case number; you are a unique individual, and your concerns are important to them. You deserve personal attention that larger firms simply can't match. 

  1. Passion - Clarisa is very passionate about what she does. As she likes to say, “Your justice is our passion.” 

  1. Perspective - She offers a fresh perspective on your case, pays attention to details, and gives you the attention you deserve.  

  1. Innovation - She stays updated on the latest legal trends and strategies to provide you with creative solutions tailored to your unique circumstances.  

  1. Compassion – Empathy is the bedrock of Clarisa Gentile’s practice. She takes the time to listen to your concerns, offer empathetic guidance, and work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for you. 

Additional Expertise in Criminal Defense

Criminal defense becomes an important part of the conversation when the circumstances surrounding a divorce venture into legal gray areas. CSG Law Firm is well-versed in both family and criminal law, which is an asset few competitors can claim. Whether it's allegations of hidden assets or accusations that require criminal defense, the firm is prepared to fight for you on all fronts. 

Reach Out to Clarisa Today

Now that you’re informed, the path forward is clear. You need more than just a competent legal representative—you need someone who offers years of experience, personalized strategy, and compassionate guidance tailored to the unique needs of gray divorce. 

Remember, you don't have to face this transition alone. Seeking the right attorney can mean the difference between uncertainty and confidence, between merely coping and thriving in the next chapter of life. Contact Clarisa Gentile today for the advice and advocacy you need.  

Gray Divorce Lawyer in Saratoga Springs, New York

Clarisa's not your average lawyer. She has a knack for simplifying the most complex legal concepts. She digs deep, never misses a beat, and treats her clients like family, fighting tooth and nail to get them what they deserve. Now that you’re ready to take the next step, pick up that phone, call CSG Law Firm, and initiate a partnership that is committed to serving your best interests.